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Spreading Christmas Cheer to Alexandria House

It means so much to me to be able to promote a happier, healthier community which is why I found such inspiration in the many toy drives and fundraising events active in Southern California. Every year I rally my team to give back to the community by spreading hope and support and in 2023 alone we donated rugs and funds to various pet shelters to aid cold and lonely animals. This holiday season, we sought to forge our own path by supporting a smaller non-profit that acts to empower women.

Our first ever company-wide collection drive emerged from this vision—a powerful initiative fueled by our shared desire for meaningful change. Enthusiasm reverberated through our workplace as contributions flooded in and every donation, large or small was received with immense gratitude by the lovely team at Alexandria House, our chosen non-profit that focuses on housing and supporting women and children facing homelessness and adversity in Los Angeles. As we wrapped up the collection drive, our hearts swelled with pride knowing that our combined efforts would soon find their way to those who needed them most, ultimately leading to a greater change and inspiring others. Here is what we learned when we visited:

Visiting Alexandria House

Just in time for Christmas, my team and I gathered the vibrant toys, clothes, and supplies collected from our donation drive and brought them to the dedicated team at the Alexandria House in Los Angeles where we met the delightfully knowledgeable and kind Natalia, who offered to give us a tour of their non-profit safe haven house. Their organization is thriving with a recent acquisition of a neighboring house and the resilient recovery after a fire in one of the buildings in 2020. Despite the advancements Alexandria House has had, Natalia says there is still room for improvement. The short-handed team of 20 work tirelessly to help house those in desperate need but most are rejected due to the lack of space as, according to Natalia, Alexandria House receives, "about 1000 calls a month". She tells us that many of the women denied housing often burst into tears on account of them being told "no" many times over before but the least she can do is to listen. Her noble efforts to assuage their intense feelings sometimes leads to prolonged calls, noting that, "they're just venting, talking, or they're mad. [I know] they're not mad at me, it's just the current situation [...]".

Those chosen to inhabit a room typically carry out a two year term with Alexandria House, utilizing the time to stabilize themselves and prepare to live independently. Natalia goes on to explain that past residents are welcome to come back during any academic processes or if needing additional support. Often times, other volunteers will come to help by bringing food and supplies and hosting cooking events or preparing food for not just residents but also those in the neighborhood. She tells us this by showing a grand kitchen in one of their buildings. A beautifully renovated room, along with the rest of the house after a fire overtook it previously in 2020. She tells us of their plight in finding housing for the residents through Airbnb after the house was charred amidst the pandemic and the tribulation of repairing the house the following year. She touts triumphantly, "we had two bathrooms in this house before so can you imagine, two bathrooms, six families getting ready for the morning before school? [Since the renovation from the fire,] we were able to put a bathroom in every room". To me, this house holds such symbolism in both the resilience of the residents and the commitment held by the community.

What Services They Offer

In addition to the Alexandria House's core mission to house and support families in distress, the non-profit also serves to help and influence its residents to the best of its abilities with what resources they have, hosting parties and events with volunteers who offer their services such as tutoring, cooking, and even career building. One that I find remarkable was a class that Natalia highlights called the Start-Up Sisterhood Program, which she and the Job Development Director, Jackie, lead. She explained that the program teaches women and gives access to resources needed to launch their own businesses.

How You Can Help

You can visit the Alexandria House website for volunteer opportunities and donations. Alternatively, you can reach out to the team directly to inquire about careers with Alexandria House for a more stable and consistent method of helping out.

Overall, it was eye-opening to witness the impactful work of the team at the Alexandria House. Undoubtedly, while the non-profit could benefit from additional support, its commendable efforts in providing safe care for its residents and fostering a nurturing environment for the children are inspiring. This commitment to the community's betterment, and its ripple effect on shaping a brighter future, was deeply moving. My team and I left with a sense of purpose and a desire to continue contributing. We're eager to return, whether it's through additional donations or by offering our services in any way possible. We've seen firsthand the significance of these efforts and are committed to being a part of this ongoing journey towards a better tomorrow.

Check out our visit on YouTube!

See how else we contributed to the community.

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